Friday, October 24, 2014

FREEDOM: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of………50!

It has been an interesting year in respect that I have had a large number of friends who have reached the age of 50!  Some celebrated in grand style and others simply let the day pass as a moment in time.  As each of my friends have reached this milestone in life I began to notice a common embrace among them, they appear to be more relaxed in guiding their own thoughts and not dramatically concerned or hung up on the opinions of others.  It is an amazing freedom when one is not chasing life but instead embracing life as if understanding that life itself will move forward in either instance.  There seems to be an epiphany upon experiencing this life’s milestone when they develop the true freedom to be comfortable in their own skin.

Practically all of my friends crossing this path in life have children, some opposite sex couples and some same sex couples.  I remember being a teenager and thinking WOW 50 years old! How could anyone live that long?  As a young man in my 20’s my thought process shifted to a lack of understanding that anyone over the age of 30 had any purpose, after all once you reach 30, life is simply about work and no play.  Fortunately, I was able to reach the fine old age of 30 and realized I was horribly misguided in my 20’s and as a 30 something began to realize that people in their 40’s and 50’s were actually pretty cool, very insightful and a lot more fun to be around than me as a misguided 20 year old.  Most of my friends during my 30’s were just beginning to get married, though I was in a relationship unfortunately at the time marriage was not a legal process in which we could engage.  This was a huge generational change than that of the generation of my parents and grandparents.  After all my parents were actually parents as teenagers and so were my grandparents, and my parents were grandparents in their 30’s! 

My generation of 30 something’s seemed to be way behind schedule but none the less life powered ahead.  In the approach to 40 many of my generation, some married and some not married began having children, some in their 30’s and some in their 40’s, after all this was a new generation of 30 something’s and they were not going to be held to a pre-historic schedule set forth by the previous generation.  They were also not about to wear the title “older parents” after all most of them did not have too because the pre-K classrooms were filled with children whose parents were in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s!  So I wondered what was driving this change in people holding off marriage and children until a more mature time in their life?  Was social media driving the shift? Was economics a motivating factor? Were medical advancements a trigger?  I am not certain that this was a combination of all of these factors or if none of them were in the minds of this generation.  What I do know is after this year of celebrations and acknowledgments I have concluded each generation drives a cultural shift in society and this generation of 50 something has certainly carved a new road ahead.

There are many commonalities among the people I know that are 50 something, those with children and those without.  The majority of them that are parents of pre-teen children and some have no children at all, that being a choice or other factor.  They are more concerned about the legacy they will leave for their children and their friend’s children and the generations to come than the legacy they are creating for themselves.  They seem perfectly secure in their financial situation regardless of where they fall on the economic or social spectrum.  They are committed to changing the world for the better and more concerned about global events and are willing to participate in activities that express the stabilization of world culture.  And last but not least every one of them are involved in some philanthropic cause that advocates social responsibility.  Has this new generation of 50 something’s driving the force of social change or has this always been the underlying case but in previous generations their voices were softer?  So I am not sure how they got there, maybe I just picked really great friends over the years and am extraordinarily blessed.  But this I do know without a doubt, as you move down the path of life embrace people of all ages and for those of you that have yet to reach this glorious milestone may you always have a: healthy and blessed Life, economic Liberty, in the Pursuit of …….50!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Silence …. the absence of sound

Throughout our daily lives there are many environments where we conduct ourselves in a silent manner.  We go about our daily routine and or interaction with society in the absence of sound.  In some cases we make a conscious choice to be silent and in other cases we move through our existence in a silent manner without choice.  There are instances where silence is interpreted as abstaining or being disinterested, however your communication is still perceived and interpreted.

Modern technology has created whole new ways of communication.  We text, we email, we direct message, we utilize social media, and we respond or not respond to all of these influences.  As a result we are automatically included in the conversation whether we remain silent or we speak out.  So the question is:  Do we make a sound with our silence?  Is being silent communicating? Do the recipients of the conversations in which we are automatically included as a result of creative technology effectively interpret that communication?  I have taken extreme interest in the intentional communication or lack thereof in social media.  Using Facebook as an example we are given multiple ways of participating in the conversation, but I point out that opting out of the conversation is not an option.  You have the opportunity to “Like” a posting, you have an opportunity to “comment” on a posting or you have the opportunity to ignore the posting.  All three of these options are a form of communication and though one may perceive that ignoring is not participating, it is not silent. 

Are we fearful of controversy or is it easier to just embrace happy.  How come Facebook postings with dogs and smiley faces get hundreds of “Likes” and a serious world issue or humanitarian crises can barely get a single “Like”? Do my friends feel by remaining silent on an issue is not communicating their opinion?  Do we think that not communicating our position absolves us from responsibility?  Most of us have heard the term “Silence is Golden” and when one is receiving information, watching a movie, listening to a speech, taking a test or evaluating a process this may very well apply.  But when one has been communicated with and uses silence as a response, your communication or intention can be horrifically misinterpreted.  In addition, through silence your position may be spoken for you and you may not be in agreement with the outcome.  By remaining silent your position may be interpreted as meaning in disagreement with what is being said when you actually might fully agree.  Is our silence a method to avoid the wrath of critics or opposing opinion?  Unfortunately this is an ineffective option as your critics will respond to your silence and choose your opinions for you.  Is our silence a method to hide our secrets, our innermost personal positions or the very core of who we are as human beings?  Again, our friends, our family, our acquaintances will define us if we choose not to define ourselves and they will judge us for who they have defined us to be and not who we are as we define ourselves.  Modern communication has reduced our ability to abstain from communication through silence.  The world continues to evolve toward a future where our participation is no longer optional but compulsory.  There is a world of people who are willing to not be silent for you, to express your thoughts and opinions for you and to influence the growth of society for you and through your silence you are communicating to them that you agree with their process.  Do not be silent in life, communicate your thoughts with an audible sound or action and be heard. Communicate your position, communicate your emotions, communicate and participate!  Every human being on this earth was given a voice or a method of communication, use it…….do not allow it to be used for you.  Communication is golden!  Silence……it’s the absence of sound.